$888.00 USD

Pulling Money From the Sky Bundle

PULLING $$ FROM THE SKY (masterclass)

the art and strategy of consistent $20 - $100k months (for fucking real)

In this 4-part masterclass I am going to walk you through a proven strategy that can produce anywhere from $20-$100k+ months, consistently- selling offers ranging from $97 to $10k.

You will walk away with a plug and play framework designed to grow with you, only requiring you to launch twice a month at most. 

You will also get instant access to the Google Sheet with the framework outlined for you to input your own offers/price points to design your next monthly revenue goal.



(How to) Create + Launch an Offer in a Day

  • How to pull money from the sky (your offer) (mini-training)
  • How to make high-quality graphics to promote your offer(s) (mini-training)
  • How to sell your offer on social media (mini-training)
How to price your offers (mini-training + PDF)
  • A shit-ton of offer ideas that sell (PDF)
  • Tech and tools used to easily create + launch offers (PDF)